Mumbai: The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India (GJEPC) will host the International Diamond Conference on 19th & 20th of March 2017. The conference is being held with an objective of bringing together the leading Miners, Diamantaires, Retailers, Bankers and Analysts from across the globe on a platform to discuss the supply and demand issues faced by the Global Diamond Industry.
The two-day conference will witness Ministers from mining countries, delegates from Mining Companies, heads of Retail and Luxury brands, Int. Diamond heads of various banks and other prominent personalities of the Diamond industry. Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Minister of State for Commerce and Industry (Independent Charge) and Shri. Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of State with Independent Charge for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy and Mines, will be the chief guests and key note speakers at the event.
Commenting on this event, Mr Praveenshankar Pandya, Chairman, GJEPC, said, “India is the largest cut and polished diamond manufacturer in the world. 93 % of its production is exported. As a major player in the world market, I believe it is our responsibility and take pride in organizing this event wherein we bring together all the stakeholders from the world diamond industry on a single platform to discuss various challenges faced by the industry and come out with future road map”
The conference will be a comprehensive one, covering all aspects of the diamond pipeline including mining, midstream, marketing & retail, international finance, valuation with KP and Diamond certification.
The conference will witness large Mining Companies namely De Beers, ALROSA, present the state and Future of Mining on Day I with Russell Mehta, Vice Chairman GJEPC presenting the overview of the Indian Diamond Industry at the Inaugural Session.
The panelist for the mining section include Mr. Kennedy Hamutenya, Diamond Commissioner, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia; Jim Pounds, Executive Vice President, Diamonds, Dominion Diamond Corporation; Rio Tinto; and Rajiv Mehta, Dimexon.
The session on Midstream will witness speakers and panelists deliberate on “Survival in the Absence of Growth”, and members for the session include Mavji Bhai Patel, Managing Director, Kiran Gems. Pvt. Ltd.; Stephane Fischler, President, AWDC; Ernest Blom, President, WFDB; Sanjay Kothari, Vice Chairman, KGK Group of Companies and Ghanshyam Dholakia, MD, Harikrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. The Session will be moderated by Des Kilalea, a renowned Global analyst.
“Innovation in Stagflation” is the topic that will be dealt with in the Marketing and Retail session, and the speakers and panelist for the session include Oded Edelman, Jamesallen.com; David A. Bouffard, VP, Signet Corporate Affairs; Jean Marc Lieberherr, CEO, Diamond Producers Association; Sandeep Kulhalli, VP, Marketing & Retail, Tanishq.
Expert views on New realities of Diamond Financing will be covered in the International Finance Session, and the speakers and panelist include representatives from Reserve Bank of India, Singapore Investment Diamond Exchange, SBI, IndusInd Bank.
Panelist for the Valuation with Kimberley Process session include Mr. Feriel Zarouki, Head of Govt. & Industry Relations, De Beers; Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, GJEPC; Mr. Maurice, DRC; Mark Van Bockstael, WGDE Chair; Peter Meeus, Chairman, DDE;
Finally a topic on Diamond Certification will have speakers and panelist including Mr. Tom Moses, Executive VP & Chief Laboratory and Research officer, GIA; Mr. Marc Brauner, Co-CEO, IGI; Ms. Ans Anthonis, Chief Officer Diamond Lab & Research, HRD Antwerp; and Mr. Mark Gershburg, CEO, GSI and National Gemstone testing Centre, China.
The Conference on Day II closing also includes presentation on Impact of Synthetics on the Natural Diamond Industry by Chaim Even Zohar and a presentation by Bonas Group. The 2 Day Conference will be hosted by Chaim Even Zohar, a global trade Expert.