WFDB Launches Young Diamantaires Programme

WFDB 2Antwerp: An exciting new initiative of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) that was launched at the recent 37th World Diamond Congress in Dubai is an international Young Diamantaires programme.

The forward-looking project came out of discussions held by the WFDB’s Promotion Committee with the aim of promoting ongoing communications between younger diamond industry members and reaching out to new members of the Federation’s 30 affiliated diamond bourses across the globe, while also raising the profile of the WFDB. The group of younger members of diamond firms, bourses and organizations from the main diamond centres, including Israel, India, Belgium, the United States and South Africa as well as Australia, will communicate on a regular basis.

Rami Baron, who was elected Chairman of the WFDB’s Promotions Committee at the Congress, is leading the international Young Diamantaires project. “There has been tremendous interest in the programme following our inaugural meeting in Dubai, said Baron, the President of the Australian Diamond Dealers Club. “That shows the great desire among the younger generation of diamond industry members to increase communication and learn from each other about how to take our business forward into the future.

“It is with great anticipation and excitement that we are now planning the next steps in progressing this group. The project has the full support of the WFDB, and Israel Diamond Exchange President Yoram Dvash has kindly offered to hold video conferences at the beginning of the process to enable members to see and greet each other, and then the group will move on to other forms of instant communication, such as a WhatsApp group.”

Meanwhile, WFDB President Ernie Blom said, “As the leaders of the diamond industry, we understand the critical importance of nurturing the next generation of diamond dealers .It is only through fresh ideas and the ability to identify new opportunities where technology and business come together in the borderless world wide web that the diamond industry will rise to top position in the world of luxury.”

Young diamantaires interested in becoming part of this new venture can contact Rami Baron via the WFDB at:
