Mujeres Brillantes to Hold Global Meet at Vicenzaoro

Ali Pastorini

Vicenza: VICENZAORO will host in September, an international meeting of “Mujeres Brillantes” (Brilliant Women), a group of about 500 businesswomen operating in the gold and jewellery sector that, although mainly from Latin America, also come from Turkey, Russia, Italy, Romania and Israel.

The “Mujeres Brillantes” mission is to help women in the jewellery and watch sector to consolidate their business by networking and sharing their own professionalism and experience. The “Mujeres Brillantes” chose Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) and the VICENZAORO platform due to their mutual vision of gender equality and the respect and attention paid to women at the head of jewellery companies.

The “Mujeres Brillantes” united into an association in 2016 during the second week of the diamond at the World Jewelry Hub, in order to share experiences and present themselves as a united group to the jewellery industry. They particularly noticed the need for targeted communication on the female world – the main receiver of jewellery products and precious stones – and for divulging a gender perspective within the jewellery sector.

“Our overall sensation is that the industry is too focussed on sales rather than on the actual buying experience or the interiorization of other elements,” said Mujeres Brillantes President, Ali Pastorini. “As women, we instinctively understand that the act of buying ought to be a special and intimate moment that goes beyond a business transaction.” More than a simple campaign, the intention of the group is to improve the marketing approach upstream and to offer a new look at the sector through a female eye.

The WWW.MUBRI.COM  website was generated with the same spirit – a channel designed to exchange experiences and, above all, to provide space and voice to women working within the jewellery sector so that they can express their opinions about problems and important questions concerning the gold and jewellery world. “We are a group that includes,” says Pastorini, “not one that excludes. The YouTube channel, social networks, website and these international meetings aim to involve everyone and gather experiences, incentives and suggestions.”
