Bengaluru: The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) kick-started the IIJS Premiere 2021, one of Asia’s leading Gem & Jewellery trade exhibitions, in Bangalore on 15th September. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Mrs. Anupriya Patel, Hon’ble Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Commerce & Industry (through video conference); Mr. Murugesh Nirani, Hon’ble Minister of Large and Medium Industries, Govt. of Karnataka; Mr. Ramana Reddy, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Commerce & Industries, Govt. of Karnataka; Mr. S Suresh Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry; Mr. Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Vipul Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Shailesh Sangani, Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC; Mr. Mahendra Tayal, Regional Chairman South Region and Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, ED, GJEPC.
The IIJS hosts the industry’s biggest gathering of domestic and overseas buyers and is the primary platform for Indian jewellery manufacturers to work with retailers, enabling them to gain insights into demand trends and product designs.
The event showcases versatile jewellery crafted with the highest standards of design and finish. The event is organised following all covid-19 protocols to ensure safety. All event attendees were required to follow covid safety protocols as per the Karnataka Govt. norms.
Mrs. Anupriya Patel, who addressed the audience virtually, formally announced the show opening. She noted that the gem and jewellery industry is a prominent sector that generates huge employment opportunities. “Despite not having precious resources, the industry is the world leader in diamond cutting and manufacturing and is among the largest exporters of gems and jewellery. The industry’s contribution towards the ‘Make In India’ initiative is successful and aligned with the vision of our Prime Minister. A number of measures in terms of policy and duty structure introduced recently will help the industry to grow in the coming times.”
Mr. Murugesh Nirani said, “On behalf of our Karnataka state government, I would like to note that I am happy to be part of this prestigious show. Karnataka is a mineral-rich state and is the only one that produces gold from the Hutti Gold Mines and the Kolar Gold fields. We are aiming to increase the production from 1,700 kg to 5,000 kg. In terms of value addition, we will be opening jewellery retail stores to promote gold, and the state is also planning to sell gold coins and hoping to partner with private jewellers. We are also planning a huge jewellery park in the economically backward Kalaburagi area. We want to make it the best jewellery park and are looking to seek concessions for those who would like to partner with us. We will be holding the Global Investors Meet in November 2022 as our state has many opportunities to tap. I invite all the entrepreneurs to visit the event.”
Mr. Ramana Reddy commented, “We are a progressive state and we invite you all to strengthen the industry’s fabric and the economy. We are number one in silk, milk, coffee and gold. We are happy that the Council decided to hold the event in Bengaluru. I request that they should announce the show dates for the next year by the time show ends on 19th September. We are planning to start a modern jewellery park and urge the industry to set up base here as well. We will work out all the modalities to give the much-needed fillip to the sector.”
Mr. S. Suresh Kumar noted, “This is the biggest event held by any sector in the country post the onset of the pandemic. Hope this is the new post-covid era and it triggers the initiation of other such physical activities in other sectors to re-energise the economy. During the first covid wave, the gem and jewellery was one of the most affected sectors, registering a decline of 98% in exports. However, in the last two quarters, the sector has rebounded and recovery is happening at a fast rate. The response for IIJS Premiere has been phenomenal as everyone has been waiting for the physical show. The Government of India has been very sympathetic in addressing all the sectors, including the gem and jewellery industry, we have been very proactive. We are confident that this sector will play a big role in the growth of the economy.”
Mr. Colin Shah said, “IIJS Premiere would boost the exports and domestic sales further. We are already witnessing a surge in exports and we are confident that we would achieve the export target of USD 43.75 billion this year and contribute significantly to Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi’s target of achieving USD 400 billion in merchandise exports. I would like to thank the Karnataka Govt. for all the support they have offered in organising this show successfully. An event of this magnitude needed a great venue, and we are glad that Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) stepped up to help us organise it.”
Acknowledging the support offered by all stakeholders, Mr. Shailesh Sangani stated, “IIJS Premiere 2021 in a physical avatar was only possible with wholehearted support from everyone – including exhibitors, buyers, the Central government and the Karnataka government. Everybody has played an important role in successfully putting up a show of this stature.”