Israel Exchange to Create Code of Ethics

Shmuel SchnitzerRamat Gan: In what appears to be a ground-breaking move for a diamond bourse, the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has begun moves to create a code of ethics by which its members would be expected to operate.

At a meeting at the bourse, IDE President Shmuel Schnitzer and management members discussed the creation of such a code with Israeli experts in the field.

Among those participating were Israel Prize winner Professor Asa Kasher who was one of the creators of the Israel Defense Forces code of ethics, the IDE reported on its website.

The meeting also featured Professor Isaac Zamir, a former Supreme Court judge and chairman of Israel’s Ethics Center, and Daniel Milo, the General Manager of the Ethics Center in Jerusalem, as well as other participants. Schnitzer opened the meeting by stating his support for the creation of a code of ethics for the IDE.

IDE General Manager Moti Besser moderated the meeting which was initiated by the bourse’s values and younger generation committee which is chaired by Emma Yanober.
