IDMA to Hold 40th Congress from March 28-30

Antwerp: “The International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) announced it will hold its 40th Congress March 28-30, at the beachside Tel Aviv Carlton hotel in Israel. Contrary to earlier World Diamond Congresses, IDMA and its sister organization, the World Diamond Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), will not hold what was to be the 40th edition of the World Diamond Congress together. While IDMA and the WFDB will convene on the same dates, they will meet separately at different venues in the Tel Aviv metropole.
IDMA President Ronnie Vanderlinden expressed his disappointment with this last moment’s development.

“During the past 68 years, the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) and its sister organization, the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), have jointly organized and held their biennial World Diamond Congresses. This year, disappointingly, during the preparations for the 40th edition of the Congress, IDMA was unable to overcome one final obstacle put in our path despite much effort and compromise. Ultimately, despite IDMA’s repeated efforts to continue discussions in hopes of bridging the divide – that reason and unity would prevail – the WFDB pulled the plug unilaterally, forcing IDMA to go it alone.” he said.

IDMA’s Honorary President Jeffrey Fischer noted that IDMA’s agenda and meeting roster would be full if not packed. “There is no shortage of critical issues facing our industry. IDMA will be tackling the challenges before us during our sessions. No doubt, WFDB will be doing the same. We wish the industry success in our endeavors,” he said.

To register and book a hotel room, please visit the IDMA 40th Congress landing page:

There is no registration fee for the Congress. Hotel rooms at the Carlton are offered at a special congress rate. The special congress rate is valid until February 24, 2023.
