GIA India Launched Diamond Origin Report

Mumbai: To help ensure the public trust in gems and jewellery and in an effort to build consumer confidence through transparency and traceability, GIA India has launched the GIA Diamond Origin Report in India on Aug. 9 at their Booth # 1D066. The GIA Diamond Origin Report confirms the country of origin of a polished diamond and includes a full assessment of the diamond’s 4Cs along with a plotted diagram of its clarity characteristics, and a report number inscription.

Tom Moses, GIA Executive Vice President and Chief Laboratory and Research Officer along with eminent dignitaries from the gem and jewellery industry including Anantha Padmanabhan, Chairman of All India Gem & Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC); Shaankar Sen, Vice Chairman of GJC and Colin Shah, Vice-Chairman of Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) participated in the launch.

The Diamond Origin Report service is built on GIA’s decades of scientific research into the formation and characteristics of natural diamonds, and the Institute’s gemmological examination of tens of millions of diamonds in its grading laboratories. GIA confirms the country of origin by scientifically matching the polished diamond to its original rough diamond.

Additional marketing materials are made available to tell the story of the diamond’s origin. The GIA Diamond Origin Book and the GIA Origin app include information about diamond formation, discovery and mining, polishing and grading, and the positive social and economic impact of diamonds in that country. The app also includes report data and images of the rough and polished diamond.

Retailers who carry diamonds with GIA Diamond Origin Reports can find marketing materials on and can sign up there for a free listing on the GIA Retailer Lookup that shows consumers they offer GIA graded diamonds with country of origin. Retailers can also find manufacturers and wholesalers who have GIA Diamond Origin inventory listed on An application to be listed as a manufacturer or wholesaler can also be found there.
