Gem-A Revives Ties with Canadian Association

London: Gem-A (The Gemmological Association of Great Britain) has renewed its historic partnership with the Canadian Gemmological Association (CGA) to offer students and graduates at both institutions the very best in gemmological education.

Taking inspiration from a previous agreement between the two associations, the new Gem-A and CGA educational partnership aims to create a stronger international community of gemmologists through access to a core syllabus; a shared body of information and learning that underpins both the CGA Certificate and Gem-A Diploma courses.

In practice, this will enable CGA students to achieve a region-specific Certificate qualification, while also providing the core competencies required to ‘transition’ to the renowned Gem-A Diploma.

A shared resources license will also support the Gem-A and CGA educational partnership, allowing CGA students to utilise Gem-A text books for their studies.

Donna Hawrelko FGA FCGmA, president of the Canadian Gemmological Association said, “The Canadian Gemmological Association (CGA) is excited to be entering into a new educational partnership with Gem-A, the world’s oldest and most revered gemmological association. This partnership opens many new gemmological pathways for our students and graduates, and expands our horizons in a wholly new, but parallel, educational direction of the highest standard. Educational organisations become stronger and more respected when uniting in the pledge to never compromise on the high standards of gemmological education they offer their members. We, at the CGA, look forward to closely working with Gem-A, our new partners in education.”

Echoing this emphasis on partnership is Gem-A chief executive officer, Alan Hart. He comments: “We’re thrilled to revitalise the historic partnership between Gem-A and CGA. Gem-A doesn’t just exist to serve its students and members, but also the wider gemmological community. It is these kinds of reciprocal educational arrangements that will ensure the knowledge within our industry is nurtured and shared for years to come.”
