Gem-A Appoint Interim Chief Executive

London: After several months without a Chief Executive Officer, the Council of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A) have appointed Nick Jones as interim CEO. Nick’s role as interim CEO is to manage the Association, and advise the Council on the future structure of the Association.

Nick is a Chartered Accountant with a wealth of experience, who recently retired after twelve successful years at the Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).  He was Head of Finance for six years, followed by six years as Chief Executive.  Like Gem-A, the SOE is a Registered Charity in the education field incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee, and has many Members in the Far East. Nick has proven experience in running a successful membership organization, delivering training and career development opportunities, and expanding national and international partnerships.

Following his appointment to the role, Nick commented: “I look forward to working with the staff and Council members of such a long standing and respected organization”

President of Gem-A, Harry Levy, welcomed Nick to the post by saying: “Gem-A is on its way to recovery with the appointment of Nick Jones and I am confident that the association is in good hands and will move forward positively.”
