FCRF: Fancy Color Diamonds Outperform Main Markets

New York: The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) today announced the results of the Q4 and full year 2022 Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI).

The average price of all colors and sizes of fancy color diamonds climbed by 3.9% in 2022, led by a 4.6% increase in all Yellows and followed by a 3.9% rise in Pinks and 1.8% in Blues. This climb was in contrast to the annual decline in white diamonds and other major financial markets.


The annual increment of the Yellow category was led by an increase of 5.6% in the Intense grade across all sizes, 5.5% rise in the Fancy grade and 3.7% in the Vivid grade. The sharpest increase of 9% in the past year was seen in the Fancy 8 carat grade, and Fancy Vivid 5 carat increasing by 6.6%. In Q4 2022, all Yellows rose by 1.5% with no decrease seen in any segment.


In Q4 2022, Pinks of all sizes appreciated by 0.8%. 1.5 carat Pinks in the Vivid grade increased by 4.6% and were the main contributor to the overall increase. During 2022, weight categories below 8 carats presented significantly better results (with an average climb of 5.5%) than higher weight categories. The Vivid 1.5 carat grade was the highest climber among all fancy diamonds in 2022, with an increase of 9.3%.


Blue diamonds showed a moderate increase of 0.4% in the last quarter, and completed a 1.8% appreciation for the whole year. In 2022, the Fancy Vivid category rose by 2.7%, outperforming the Fancy grade that increased by 1.5% and the Fancy Intense that decreased 0.3%. The highest increase of 6.4% in the Blue segment was in the 2 carat category.
