London: The Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A) has announced its ‘CSR for the Jewellery Professionals’ course is now open for enrolment. The six lesson course, developed in conjunction with Branded Trust and the educational arm of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) the World Jewellery Confederation Education Foundation (WJCEF), is now accepting applications from across the trade for those who are serious about making ethical changes to their business.
Following the initial course announcement at this year’s International Jewellery London in September, and at their most recent Conference from 1 – 4 November, Gem-A has taken its ‘CSR for the Jewellery Professional’ live for the first time. Available online at csr.gem-a.com the course has been specifically tailored to the jewellery industry and the jewellery professional, and will provide the industry with an essential foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which can be incorporated into any size business, no matter where it is located in the jewellery supply chain.
Over the course of six online lessons, incorporating video lectures, online course notes, module tests and a final written essay component, the course aims to define CSR in a way that is relevant to jewellery professionals so they can become familiar with the high profile ethical issues affecting the industry, and be empowered to build trust with consumers and clients. Part of this involves expanding on several dimensions of the business case that will lead to improved business performance and increased awareness of the different techniques and tools available to assist in implementing a CSR programme. Through this, students can learn about the implications of making ethical, fair, sustainable and green claims and the risks businesses run if those claims cannot be substantiated whilst simultaneously learning about the growing importance of CSR as an essential aspect of professional accreditation.
Gem-A’s new Ethics Manager Vivien Johnston, commented on the release of the new online programme, saying: “The CSR course is the first of a suite of ethical solutions for the jewellery industry, Gem-A is changing the landscape, making this subject accessible and moving from the conceptual debate to the real-world application of ‘best practice’. These are thoughtful and inclusive programmes which are relevant within a business context”
The new course will be showcased in CIBJO’s VINCEZAORO this weekend on Sunday 25 January by CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri, Chief Technology Officer of Branded Trust Assurance Systems and Director of the Branded Trust Foundation, Dr Donald Feaver, and founder of CRED jeweller and pioneer of the FairTrade Gold scheme, Greg Valerio, in a seminar entitled: “Social Responsibility as the New Reality: Best Practice Initiatives, Tools and Business Success.”