Colombia to Host Emerald Symposium in October

Bogota: Colombia is hosting the inaugural International Emerald Symposium scheduled for October 13 to 15 in Bogotá. The conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Bogotá Hotel, is organised by Fedesmeraldas (Colombian Emerald Federation), Acodes (Emerald Exporters Association), ASOCOESMERAL (Colombia Emerald Dealers Association), APRECOL (Colombian Emerald Miners Association), Agencia Nacional de Mineria (National Mining Agency), Minminas (Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia) and SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje).

“This symposium is open to all stakeholders in the emerald industry – from governments and mine operators to gemstone cutters and dealers. We are looking forward to welcoming emerald producers from Brazil, Zambia, Russia and other parts of the world,” said Luis Gabriel Angarita, president of Acodes.

The conference aims to address the challenges and opportunities faced by the emerald industry including resource management, manufacturing, treatments, certification, nomenclature, consumer education and branding, Angarita continued.
