ALROSA Joins Responsible Jewellery Council

responsible-jewellery-council-logoMoscow: ALROSA, the world leader in diamond mining, has become a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) since 11 August 2016, declared RJC in a press release. “Consumers around the world are giving great importance to the origin of diamonds in jewelry. We believe it is important to demonstrate to the consumer that diamond mining is a socially responsible business that creates jobs, supports local communities and cares about the environment. ALROSA has always adhered to high standards of corporate social responsibility and is ready to prove it in the audit process,” said Andrey Polyakov, ALROSA Vice President.

“We are pleased to welcome ALROSA to the RJC and delighted to see the enthusiasm of the company to demonstrate its business transparency and its compliance with international best practices. RJC Membership and the resulting Certification of ALROSA against the RJC Code of Practices, will be further recognition of the diamond industry’s efforts to adhere to the highest standards of responsible business,” noted Andrew Bone, RJC Executive Director.

RJC is an international not-for-profit organization, which focuses on enhancing consumer confidence in the jewelry industry and promoting of responsible business practices. Aiming at this goal, RJC has developed a proprietary Certification System, based on the Code of Practices. Each of the RJC members has to undergo an independent audit, covering not only standard finance and legal compliance issues, but also ethical business aspects, such as anti-corruption measures, human rights, decent labor conditions, social responsibility programs, protection of the environment.

To date, the RJC includes more than 800 companies representing various sectors of the diamond industry. Apart from ALROSA, RJC Membership includes well-known diamond mining companies such as De Beers, Dominion Diamond Corporation, Rio Tinto and Lucara Diamond. In accordance with the procedure, within two years ALROSA will undergo an independent audit of its business operation to obtain RJC Certification.
