ALROSA in Top 3 Mining Companies in Russia

Moscow: ALROSA, the world leader in diamond mining by volume, was placed among the top three mining companies in Russia for environmental responsibility.

The diamond company entered TOP-3 list in all the categories of the rating which are Environmental Management/Policy, Environmental Impact, Disclosure / Transparency.

According to the jury assessing the rating, these positions reflect the leadership both in terms of transparency and in terms of minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The implemented environmental management systems of the company correspond to the best world practices.

The environmental strategy of the ALROSA Group is firmly integrated into the company’s development strategy. The main objectives in the field of environmental protection are the preservation of nature and the environment, careful treatment of natural resources, which are the basis for sustainable development, life and activities of peoples living on the territory of the company’s production activities.

In 2016, ALROSA’s overall environmental expenditures totaled almost 5,4 billion rubles, an increase of almost 36% compared to 2015.
