AGTA revises Code of Ethics

New York: American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) released the newest edition of its code of ethics, which was first introduced in 1983.

This document established the most demanding standards for professional conduct, not just in the colored gemstone and cultured pearl trade, but in the entire jewelry industry. The cornerstone of this code of ethics was expertise in gemstones and embodied the tenant that every AGTA member must have an absolute commitment to protect and to ensure the integrity at all levels of the supply chain, from mine to consumer, by providing full and complete disclosure of all gemstone enhancements.

AGTA requires every member of the organization – gemstone traders, manufacturers, designers and retailers – to reaffirm their commitment to both ethical and responsible business practices as a requirement of membership in the association.

The AGTA’s efforts have, since its beginning, extended beyond the supply chain to acknowledge its role in the global gemstone community and to strive to improve conditions within it.

The AGTA is proud to continue its leadership role in the promulgation of business practices that educate members and the trade at large, to ensure that the integrity of gemstone products are beyond reproach. Doing so ensures that the AGTA member supply chain, from mine to consumer, has the highest ethical commitment in the trade.
