WDMF Announces World Diamond Museum

WDMFLas Vegas: The World Diamond Mark Foundation (WDMF) announced it has built the virtual foundations of the World Diamond Museum, a unique resource in the cloud that will be bringing together and put on display an unprecedented and therefore unique collections of extraordinary diamonds and diamond jewellery – from famous stones to hidden, until now unknown pieces that deserve to be seen, admired and enjoyed by the consumer public at large.

The name of the World Diamond Museum is Facets of Mankind stressing the intrinsic connection between the diamond and the human civilization. Its establishment was first announced during the recent biennial 37th World Diamond Congress that was held in Dubai two weeks ago.

In presenting the concept, WDM Chairman Alex Popov said that by building the museum, the WDM will reintroduce the art of storytelling about diamonds to the consumer. “Facets of Mankind is to be a living documentary of the journey of diamonds and its relationship with the human race,” Popov commented. “In the narrative of the introductory movie, it is said that ‘in the diamond, we see ourselves, the best we can be.’ This is also what motivated the WDM and its creative team to set out on this journey.”
