WDM Introduces Retailer Opinion Poll

Alex Popov
Alex Popov

Hong Kong: The World Diamond Mark (WDM) has released its WDM Retailer Opinion Poll, in an effort to determine what services retailer jewellers need most in their stores to advance generic diamond promotion to the consumer public. The poll, among others, asks retailers to rank the type of services they wish to access in the field of promotion, education, business services and industry coordination.

“The WDM’s brief is to assist retail jewellers in rekindling consumer desire and confidence in diamonds and diamond jewellery,” Alex Popov, the WDM Chairman said. “We have therefore composed detailed poll to query jewellers and ask them to rank the services they need most in order to achieve this. While we feel that we have a rather good grasp of what retail jewellers need, there is nothing like getting direct and up -to-date input from the business community we are committed to serve!” he added.

The poll can be accessed online. It was also made available as a pull-out form in issue #7 of the World Diamond Magazine, which was published earlier this month. It will also be included in the upcoming edition of the World Diamond Magazine which will see the light of print in July.

“We encourage jewellers to take ten to 15 minutes of their time and fill out the form,” said Krisztina Kalman-Schueler, WDM’s Programme Director. “As we are mandated to offer retailers who joined our WDM Authorised Diamond Dealer programme high-quality, consumer oriented services, the purpose of the pol is to learn more about what services retailers wish to receive to serve their business models best.!”
