Antwerp: The Sixth Edition of the Antwerp Diamond Trade Fair (ADTF), the world’s exclusive by-invitation-only diamond trade show, kicked-off yesterday, welcoming many hundreds of buyers, among them not only delegations from existing, leading jewellery markets, but also from markets that until recently had remained unexplored. The fair, which is held in the trading halls of the Antwerp Diamond Bourse (Beurs voor Diamanthandel), the Diamond Club of Antwerp (Diamantclub van Antwerpen) and Antwerp’s Rough Diamond Bourse (Antwerpsche Diamantkring), features more than 100 exhibitors which are among Antwerp’s — and the world’s — leading diamond manufacturing and trading firms.
“Since 2010, Antwerp’s diamond bourses have expended serious efforts to raise their profiles in the international diamond, gem and jewellery markets,” Thierry Polakiewicz, a member of the ADTF organizing committee said. “Over the years, the ADTF has proven to be a very effective platform to introduce diamond buying jewellers and qualified diamond buyers to Antwerp’s diamond business community. Within a few days, countless business encounters and opportunities are brought to them. This year, we are welcoming delegations of first time buyers from the Middle East, China and Eastern Europe, as well as from North Africa, in particular from Algeria,” Polakiewicz continued.
In his short address during the opening ceremony, AWDC President Stephane Fischler said the ADTF was an important link in Antwerp’s annual promotional and marketing campaigns. “The ADTF’s goal to bring diamond buyers from all over the globe to Antwerp and enable them to have exclusive access to the Antwerp market has proven to be a brilliant move. This fair, held at home in Antwerp, meshes perfectly with the AWDC’s annual marketing programmes, such as the Antwerp Pavilions at international trade fairs and the organization of roadshows, and adds important value to the members of all bourses,” Fischler declared.