Rio Tinto Retains the Argyle Pink Diamonds Brand

Perth: Following the closure of the iconic Argyle diamond mine in November 2020, Rio Tinto has been carefully considering options for the future of the renowned Argyle Pink DiamondsTM brand. Rio Tinto wishes to advise the diamond market that it will be retaining the Argyle Pink Diamonds brand within its portfolio of diamonds assets and will continue to support market development activities in the coming years.

Argyle Pink Diamonds will continue to be available globally through Rio Tinto’s remaining inventory and via the active secondary diamond and jewellery markets.

Built up over 37 years, Argyle Pink Diamonds is an iconic Australian brand with significant global reach, providing opportunities for the brand to be sustained beyond the end of mining.

Rio Tinto is committed to the diamond industry, progressing the closure of the Argyle mine, retaining the Argyle Pink DiamondsTM brand, managing its interests in the Diavik mine in Canada and pursuing its ongoing exploration for another world class diamond ore body.
