Peter Meeus Makes Second Bid for HRD Antwerp

In execution of a sales process announced by the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) to sell a majority of the shares of HRD Antwerp NV, as announced in the Summer of 2019, Peter Meeus has made an offer through a Letter of Intent (LOI) deposited at AWDC/HRD at 13:00 hrs yesterday.

Meeus has made a bid complying 100% with the terms as originally communicated by AWDC, in particular to buy a 51% stake for the communicated asking price and that AWDC as holder of the intellectual property would procure the transfer of the HRD Brand after expiration of 15 years during which a royalty would be paid by the purchaser.

Peter Meeus, a Belgian national, entered the diamond industry in 1990 as diamond broker for Bonas Couzijn NV and moved up to become director of the Beurs voor Diamanthandel in 1992. He served as managing director of HRD from 1999 till 2005. Since 2006, he was active as special advisor diamonds to the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and also served as Chairman of the Dubai Diamond Exchange. Since 2018 Meeus has been an independent consultant to the diamond industry with a focus on Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Through his company PME Consulting, Meeus has developed a business plan allowing HRD to grow its business based on the following pillars:

To operate a world class diamond grading lab in Antwerp, servicing the Antwerp diamond market as well as grading labs in the main trading centres;

To headquarter its worldwide operations centre in Antwerp and to further develop the quality & control functions and educational programs that guarantee consistency in diamond grading in accordance with internationally accepted standards;

To position the Company as an ambassador of the Antwerp Diamond Heritage as a unique shopping experience, promoting Antwerp as the diamond centre of excellence;

To formulate a Covenant with the Antwerp Diamond Trade to assure HRD Antwerp will reach at least 250,000 shops per annum by 2025 and to engage the large wholesale traders in Antwerp to join the Antwerp Heritage campaign to this end;

To grow the market share of HRD Antwerp to strategic partners in major diamond jewellery markets in Asia;

Peter Meeus said, “HRD Antwerp needs a positive story. Its main differentiator from any other service providers is the Antwerp Diamond Heritage. That is a formidable strong story dating back to 1487.”

“I do this not only because I believe we will make money. But also because it is good for Antwerp because it will be good for the business and will create jobs in Antwerp, because the interest of Antwerp’s trade is that this name ANTWERP will be lying in every shop in India, China and the ME. Because if that happens, these retailers will ask for more diamonds from this Antwerp. With its unique history.”
