PDE Launches Accredited Buyers Program

PDE LogoPanama: The Panama Diamond Exchange has launched an Accredited Buyers Program, providing benefits to registered professional buyers from Latin American countries, on purchases of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry made at the World Jewelry Hub in Panama City.

A key element of the program will be rebates of up to $1,000 on merchandise that has been acquired by a buyer on site from companies operating in the WJH complex.

The rebate offer will be on all goods purchased at the World Jewelry Hub during a single visit, or multiple visits during a three-month period. Accredited buyers will be reimbursed up to $850 on purchases made in the complex of $10,000 and more. If the Accredited Buyers make purchases of more than $20,000, they will be eligible for a reimbursement of $1,000 on their next visit, provided that it takes place less than six months after the most recent purchase.

The Accredited Buyers Program is a part of a comprehensive campaign developed by the Panama Diamond Exchange to position the World Jewelry Hub as the premier trading center for diamonds, gemstone and jewelry in Latin America, and in particular to encourage members of the industry in the region to visit and do business in Panama, PDE reported.
