Next Israel Diamond Week in February 8-12, 2015

IsdeNew York: The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) announced that it would host the winter edition of the International Diamond Week February 8-12, 2015. “We have looked hard at the very busy calendar of the international diamond and jewelry trade and decided that these were the best dates for all parties involved for the Winter 2015 edition,” IDE President Shmuel Schnitzer stated.

He made the announcement at the close of the Israel Diamond Week in New York, where a hundred Israeli and more than 70 American diamantaires had displayed their goods on the floor of the Diamond Dealers Club (DDC) in New York City to some 700 visiting diamond buyers.

The next International Diamond Week will take place as customary on the IDE trading floor and in addition to the DDC membership; members of the Antwerp Diamond Bourse members will also take part. “The format of these multi-bourse diamond trading and sales platforms has proven to be very successful and brought color back to the cheeks of the participating diamantaires,” Schnitzer added.

IDE General Manager Moti Besser noted that interest from other bourses affiliated to the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) in the trading platform was on the rise. “It has not only brought back business to the trading floors, but also greatly strengthened the networking between bourse members. With 30 bourses on five continents which together have more than 15,000 members, there are obviously many more opportunities to be explored and followed up on,” Besser said.
