New Tender Center to be Launched during IDWI

IsdeRamat Gan: The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) will officially open a new International Tender Center on February 14, 2017 during the sixth International Diamond Week in Israel (IDWI). During that week IDE will host three important tenders of polished and rough diamonds — by Alrosa, I. Hennig and Koin. The visit of Alrosa President Andrey Zharkov, who will be a guest of honor at IDWI, is timed to coincide with the opening of the tender center.

The center is housed in a specially designed state of the art facility within the IDE complex, affording optimal convenience and security. Its control system, one of the most advanced in the world, offers users an efficient, comfortable and safe process. The facility has private evaluation rooms built around a secured control room, from which every evaluation room can be observed. The control room has been fitted with one-way mirrors and closed-circuit cameras covering every evaluation room.

The International Tender Center is being established by IDE to consolidate under one roof as many polished and rough tenders as possible. It will offer a valuable service package, including marketing to buyers in Israel and abroad, attractive travel packages for buyers, including assistance in the visa application process, discounts with hotels in the Diamond Exchange area and deals with shipping companies.

According to IDE President Yoram Dvash, “Israel has become a major hub for tenders of polished and rough diamonds. We are opening the new Center to attract an even greater number of tenders. We’re confident that the benefits we offer will keep the center busy throughout the year.”

IDWI 2017 will be held from February 13 – 16, 2017. During the event hundreds of Israeli and international companies will offer a large variety of goods on the IDE trading floor. IDWI will also offer a rich social program and free sightseeing to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. As in the past buyers are being offered free accommodations for three nights in nearby hotels.
