LDB Joins Responsible Jewellery Council

londonlogoLondon: The London Diamond Bourse (LDB) has announced that it is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC).

LDB is the first diamond bourse in the world to join the standards and certification organization.

LDB’s Council of Management unanimously voted to apply to join the RJC and will now undertake an independent audit to achieve full RJC Certification, the LDB said in a statement.

The LDB’s Chief Operating Officer, Victoria McKay, commented, “LDB has been committed to best business practice for over 75 years. We will now work to achieve independently audited certified status to prove that we are committed to supporting industry transparency and look forward to demonstrating LDB’s social responsibility and key standards to the industry.”

RJC Executive Director Andrew Bone said, “It is with great pleasure that we welcome LDB as a Member of the RJC. We are delighted to see the enthusiasm of the bourse to demonstrate its business transparency and its compliance with international best practices.”
