Israel Diamond Week is a Value-Adding Event

IsdeRamat Gan: The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) is inviting members of its 29 sister diamond bourses affiliated to the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) to take part in the February 8-12, 2015 Winter edition of the International Diamond Week. IDE President Shmuel Schnitzer, who served as WFDB President from 1998-2004 and is also a WFDB Honorary Life President, said that the International Diamond Week is an ideal platformto create added valuefor bourse members across the globe.

“While the supply chain for diamonds is getting shorter and the methods used to sell diamonds are changing, the way diamantaires do business – with each other and with clients – basically remains the same,” Schnitzer noted. “Sellers and buyers have that simple but essential need to meet in person. And to build a solid business relationship with a buyer, one really needs to get to know that person in the flesh. Of course, once such a relationship in founded, they will use many other means of communications to develop their business,” Schnitzer said.

The International Diamond Week in Israel is organized in close cooperation with the Diamond Dealers Club of New York (DDC) and the Antwerp Diamond Bourse (Beurs voor Diamanthandel). Both exchanges will be represented by dozens of their members on the IDE trading floor in February.

“I am very pleased that the concept and format of the International Diamond Week has taken root so deeply and is successful both with IDE members and also internationally,” Schnitzer said. “We had a successful week in New York earlier this month, and it cannot be said too often that the DDC President Reuven Kaufman and his team did a fabulous job.
