Ramat Gan: The International Diamond Week in Israel (IDWI) is focusing attention this time on diamond jewelry and its importance in winning the heart of the consumer.
The Israel Diamond Jewelry Association (IDJ) was officially launched yesterday at a ceremony held amidst an exhibition showcasing diamond jewelry produced by companies within the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE).
The IDJ Statement of Purpose was signed by IDE President Yoram Dvash, CIBJO President Dr. Gaetano Cavalieri and Israel Diamond Institute Chairman Shmuel Schnitzer. It cited the significance of the diamond jewelry field as an integral part of the Israeli Diamond Industry, and noted the role of jewelers in bringing about the expansion of the consumer market for diamonds.
Yoram Dvash applauded Dr. Cavalieri as the guiding light who brought the jewelry industry to the center of attention of the world diamond industry. “We look forward to productive cooperation with CIBJO. Together we will put Israel at the center of the world map of jewelry,” he said.
Later, at a gala reception for IDWI participants, the Israeli Diamond Industry again emphasized the importance of diamond jewelry to the industry, with the presentation of a special award to renowned jewelry designer Stephen Webster. The Israel Diamond Exchange Appreciation Award was given to Webster for his pursuit of excellence in jewelry design and craftsmanship, and for his contribution to the advancement of the international jewelry industry.
Webster, who works mostly in gold and diamonds said, “From the conversations I had during the day I have come to the conclusion that we need to cooperate so that the diamond – from rough through polishing and on to the final piece of jewelry – will continue to be beautiful and profitable. Our success depends on having conversations among all parts of the industry. I’ll be very happy to be a part of the ongoing conversation,” he said.