India Discusses BRICS Coop. in Diamond Industry

St. Petersburg: An Indian delegation comprising Mr. R. Arulanandan, Director, Department of Commerce; Mr. Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Anoop Mehta, President, Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB); and Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, Executive Director, GJEPC, participated in the Round Table on “Development of BRICS Cooperation in the Diamond Industry” at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia.

Heads of diplomatic missions from BRICS countries and the African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) attended the event. The discussion focused on setting an independent agenda for fair cooperation within the global diamond industry amid significant structural changes.

Among the key goals discussed were ensuring freedom and openness of BRICS markets for diamond trade, considering diamond mining countries’ interests; and building responsible diamond supply chains in BRICS countries, leading centres for diamond trade, production, and jewellery consumption.
