Impasse Regarding KP Vice Chair Remains

kimberley-logoLuanda: The impasse regarding the second most important post of the Kimberley Process, whose vice presidency is being disputed by Australia and Dubai still remains without a sign of consensus.

Last Tuesday, the interventions relating to this matter, in the meeting taking place in Luanda, revealed that the participants – members of the Kimberley Process – are doing all they can so that by the end of the gathering a new vice chair of the institution is found.

In this context, the chairman of the Kimberley process, Bernardo Campos, explained that Australia will deliver a statement in the meeting, which may put an end to the impasse.

He further revealed that the Kimberley Process is based on three fundamental pillars, namely the governments, the industry and the civil society.

In its turn, the Kimberley Process tries to find consensus and makes efforts to manage to involve the three mentioned sectors in the process and get them to support a candidate, one of whom is to be the vice president of the Kimberley Process.

“It is not the case at the moment. We’ve noticed that there is still some resistance from the civil society, but we’ll continue to work. The civil society cannot hinder the process, but it is not convenient to move on with such a situation”, explained the chairman of the Kimberley Process, the Angolan Bernardo Campos.
