IDWI 2017 Opens in Packed IDE Trading Hall

Ramat Gan: The Sixth International Diamond Week in Israel (IDWI) opened today to a packed trading hall at the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE), with the participation of some 400 buyers from 30 countries, and over 200 diamond companies exhibiting from Israel and abroad. The festive opening ceremony included speeches by Israel Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin, Alrosa President Andrey Zharkov, IDE President Yoram Dvash, Israel Diamond Institute Chairman Shmuel Schnitzer, Diamond Dealers Club Reuven Kaufman and other diamond leaders.

IDE President Yoram Dvash said, “I am pleased to see the huge turnout of friends and colleagues from Israel and abroad. We are here to do what we love – to buy and sell diamonds. And that’s what we hope to do as much as possible during this week.” Dvash mentioned the improved trend in the Israeli diamond industry, citing the tax agreement with the Israeli government, expanded online marketing opportunities, new manufacturing facilities and the international tender center to open during the week. He thanked the Israeli exhibitors and the organizers as well as the visitors from abroad, including delegations from Hong Kong, China, the U.S. and Italy.

Alrosa President Andrey Zharkov surprised the audience by opening his remarks in Hebrew, and said that he feels at home every time he visits here. He said that Alrosa would be holding an auction during IDWI of large, high quality rough and polished stones that are specially geared to the Israeli market.

Later in the day Zharkov held a talk before leading Israeli diamond companies. He said that Alrosa is committed to strengthening ties with the Israeli diamond industry, and cited the importance of the 2015 MOU between Alrosa and IDE to share information and cooperate on issues of mutual interest. Zharkov added that Israel is one of Alrosa’s three main markets as a major buyer of high quality, large diamonds.

IDWI 2017 will feature several additional important events during the week, among them the opening of the International Tender Center, the signing of an MOU with the Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturer’s Association and a talk by Diamond Producers Association CEO Jean-Marc Lieberherr about generic diamond marketing.
