IDW in New York– Unique Diamond Sourcing Opportunity

IsdeRamat Gan: The third edition of the Israel Diamond Week in New York, to be held November 10-13, 2014, is the last-stop-station for diamond buyers toward the holiday season, and, in the words of Reuven Kaufman, President of the Diamond Dealers Club of New York (DDC), “a grand opportunity to stock up on polished diamonds” The event, held on the DDC’s trading floor on 580 Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan, “will feature a strong contingent of American and Israeli diamond suppliers, offering visiting diamond buyers an exceptional choice of diamonds!” Kaufman noted.

The Israel Diamond Week in New York is a recurring, bi-annual diamond sales event jointly organized by the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) and DDC. It has proven not only to be successful platform for trade between the members of the largest diamond exchanges in the western world, but also a pro-active effort to open the DDC’s doors to diamond buying jewelry manufacturers and jewelry retailers who usually do not visit the club.

“Manhattan’s diamond and jewelry district is one of the most important access points for the US diamond, gem and jewelry business,” IDE president Shmuel Schnitzer explained. “Our cooperation is a mutual effort to allow diamond buyers and sellers to take the time to meet face-to-face, inspect a wide variety of goods, and make their purchase with the confidence and certainly that they came to the right place,” he added.

Kaufman said the Israel Diamond Week in New York and similar efforts had an invigorating tremendous effect on the activity on the club’s trading floor. “It’s a great ‘equalizing’ event where traders, large and small, all get a chance to interact with the visiting buyers. That is not only great for the members themselves, but even better for the buyers, who get access to a much larger selection of supplies to choose from. And last but not least, this sales festival is very much the last before the holiday sales season. I’d recommend that American diamond buyers do not miss it.”
