IDW in Israel to Hold First Diamond Jewellery Show

IsdeRamat Gan: For the first time, the International Diamond Week in Israel (IDWI), to be held February 14 – 18, 2016 will not only focus on loose diamonds, but will also include a special show of diamond jewellery produced by companies within the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE).

Diamond jewelry has become an important part of the business of many Israeli diamond companies. In recognition of that trend, this IDWI will emphasize the prominent place of jewelry within the industry. Leading figures within the international jewelry world, including celebrity designer Stephen Webster and President of CIBJO – World Jewellery Confederation Gaetano Cavalieri have been invited as special guests.

The Diamond Jewellery Show will be held in a dedicated section of the trading hall, and will feature twenty companies, all IDE members. The focus of the exhibitors will be on high end jewelry with both white and fancy color diamonds, as well as more casual pieces at lower price points.

IDE President Yoram Dvash said, “We recognize that diamond jewelry has become a substantial part of the business of the Israeli diamond industry. More and more IDE members are diversifying their products by introducing their own jewelry collections, taking advantage of the creativity and expert workmanship that our industry has to offer. I plan to promote and develop the area of diamond jewelry within the Israeli industry.”

Dvash said that the IDE would announce the launch of an organization, the Israel Diamond Jewelry Association, to promote diamond jewelry manufacturing at a special event during International Diamond Week.

The Israel diamond Exchange offers accredited and confirmed buyers three free nights in one of the IDWI’s venue hotels in the Ramat Gan Diamond District.
