IDE to Host 3 I. Hennig Rough Tenders in March

IsdeRamat Gan: I. Hennig Tenders, a leading international diamond tender operator, will hold three rough diamond tenders at the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) International Tender Center from March 13-16, 2017.

The first tender will offer two special fancy color rough diamonds of yellow color from the Superkolong diamond tailings operation in Kimberley, South Africa. The stones weigh 77.54 and 38.88 carats respectively. The second tender consists of large (+10.80 carats) single rough commercial stones of Russian origin, sourced in Gokhran and the third will consist of a wide selection of single rough stones from 5 to 15 carats.

The tenders will take place in IDE’s new International Tender Center within the bourse complex. Viewings will be held by appointment only.

IDE President Yoram Dvash said, “We are happy to once again host I.Henning at the International Tender Center. Our purpose in opening the center was to bring more rough and polished tenders to Israel. The new center offers international tender operators the most technologically advanced facility in which to hold their viewings. It is clear that this is a win-win situation for the tender companies and for the bourse.”

I. Hennig Tenders CEO David Kuchler said, “The upcoming tenders present Israeli rough buyers the opportunity to view and offer on rough diamonds in their local market. We are pleased to continue to offer our Israeli clients attractive diamond tenders in Israel. The International Tender Center has made it especially convenient for us to do so, offering optimal conditions for our tender viewings.”
