IDE to Hold Diamond Marketing Panel Discussion

IsdeRamat Gan: The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) announced it has set the stage for an exclusive diamond marketing panel discussion that will be held during the upcoming winter edition of the International Diamond Week (IDW) in Israel. The panel, that will take place on Monday, February 15, at 16:00 pm, will bring together Jean Marc Lieberherr, Chairman of the Diamond Producers Association (DPA); Alex Popov, Chairman of the World Diamond Mark Foundation WDM); Patricia Syvrud, Executive Director of the World Diamond Council (WDC); and Stephen Webster, internationally renowned jewelry designer, who is also the IDWI’s guest of honor.

“The International Diamond Week in Israel is an excellent platform to table the topic of generic diamond promotion and advertising,” IDE President Yoram Dvash said. “With members of multiple bourses on our trading floor, and with hundreds of visiting buyers from more than 20 countries worldwide, a discussion about the issue of generic diamond promotion, a report from the DPA and the WDM as to where they currently are in their promotional efforts and an overview of what their plans for the near future are, will attract lots of attention,” he added.

Before taking up the IDE presidency, in his former capacity as chair of the IDE Marketing Committee, Dvash had organized several ‘town hall’ meetings to discuss diamond promotion with the IDE members. “There is a great interest among the membership in the ways and methods of diamond promotion. During those ‘town hall’ meetings we hear not only complaints about the lack of industry coordinated promotional efforts, but also a lot of bright and innovative ideas coming from the participating members about how to set diamond promotion in motion. Therefore, in view of this demonstrated interest, I am sure this event will draw a full house!” Dvash, who is a WDM Board Member, said.

The Israel Diamond Exchange offers accredited and confirmed buyers three free nights in one of the IDWI’s venue hotels in the Ramat Gan Diamond District.
