IDE Publishes Code of Ethics

IsdeRamat Gan: The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) has published a code of ethics written specifically by Israeli professor Asa Kasher, the IDI portal announced.

IDE President Yoram Dvash said: “I am proud to be the first bourse president in the world to launch a code of ethics. It combines very well the IDE’s path – a path of transparency and clearly written rules”.

At a special signing ceremony at the IDE, Professor Kasher said: “The code of ethics shows the bourse in its best light and how you want to appear and what you want to be. The code of ethics newly defines your identity and in accepting and adopting it you take responsibility for the whole diamond sector and are contributing a great deal to the Israeli economy”.

Among the persons who took part in creating the code of ethics are IDE President Yoram Dvash, Israel Diamond Institute Chairman Shmuel Schnitzer, IDE Code of Ethics Chairman Asher Dalumi, Emma Yanover and members of the committee.
