IDE Institutes Presidents' Consultative Council

IsdeRamat Gan: Israel Diamond Exchange President Yoram Dvash has taken another step to ensure that his administration’s policies will gather the widest possible support from the membership of the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) by appointing the IDE’s three Honorary Presidents, the President of the Israel Diamond Manufacturers Association (IsDMA) and the Chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute (IDI) as members of an exclusive Presidents’ Consultative Council (PCC). The PCC will hold regular meetings and advise Dvash on all current affairs.

“I am aware of the ample experience my predecessors have accumulated during their terms of service and wish to seek their advice and insights for the benefit of my administration and the membership,” Dvash said. “In the coming years, our industry will be going through many changes and will be facing a very different landscape in the markets in which we source, manufacture and sell our diamonds. While I am confident that we will continue to develop and grow, it will require different strategies and multi-faceted policies to ensure that the Israel diamond industry and trade adapts, changes and as a result, will continue to thrive and grow.”

The PCC consists of three IDE Honorary Presidents Shmuel Schnitzer, Avi Paz and Yair Sahar. They are joined by IsDMA President Kobi (Jacob) Korn, who until recently also served as Acting IDE President, and Moti Ganz, Chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute, who is also a former IsDMA President.

“The IDE needs all the help it can get and these captains of industry have all readily agreed to serve on the PCC,” Dvash said. “They will help us steer our ship through the choppy industry waters. I see it as a prime interest of the members of the exchange that the policies of my administration result in across-the-board agreement and will therefore be implemented successfully.”

Dvash also expressed the hope that the New Year will bring good tidings to the international diamond industry and trade. “On behalf of the board and the members of the Israel Diamond Exchange, we wish all our colleagues in the international diamond, gem and jewelry business community a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016!”
