Huw Daniel Appointed CEO of PGI

Mumbai: Huw Daniel has been appointed Global CEO of PGI, after 12 years as President of PGI USA. The announcement was made by the Platinum Jewellery Development Association (PJDA), which represents the major platinum producers (Anglo Platinum, Impala Platinum and Lonmin) and sponsor the PGI. Daniel succeeds long serving CEO James Courage who will retire at the end of April. Whilst the appointment is immediate, Daniel will take on full responsibility for PGI from April 1, 2015, according to a Press Release issued by the PGI, India.

PGI will relocate its head office from London to Hong Kong, aiming to be fully operational by the summer. The move reflects the growing importance of platinum demand in Asia. As a result PGI’s Head Office will be closer to the two main markets of China and Japan and the fast growing Indian market, which together represent 85% of total consumer jewellery demand, and are also important platinum jewellery manufacturing centres. Huw will also cover the USA which remains a key global market for PGI.

Andrew Hinkly, Executive Head Platinum Marketing at Anglo Platinum, representing the three sponsors added: “The Platinum Guild’s move to Hong Kong and the appointment of Huw Daniel recognises the importance of platinum jewellery in Asia, along with continuity of leadership from within the PGI. Jewellery represents over a third of total platinum demand and we, as the main producers, recognise the importance of continuing to invest substantially in its future development and to work even more closely with leading retailers and manufacturers in the four PGI markets.”

Daniel brings his US platinum knowledge to his new role as well as Asian experience from working in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region in advertising and marketing. He welcomes the opportunity: “It’s an honour to be invited to build on James’ outstanding legacy, and so exciting to return to Asia at a time when platinum is being embraced by new generations of consumers.”

Daniel will establish a new Head Office team, to transfer the skills and leadership from the existing Head Office. For personal reasons, the COO Nicholas Graham Smith elected not to apply for the CEO role and move to Asia, but will work closely with Daniel and Courage through the transition period in addition to the other members of the Head Office team. The sponsors also wish to put on record their appreciation for the quality of the work and leadership from the London team.

As a consequence of Daniel’s move, Jenny Luker will become President of PGI USA effective February 2 2015. Luker has worked with PGI USA for 20 years across every function and has served as Senior Vice President since 2005. Daniel added, “Jenny is loved and respected by the industry and PGI teams in the US and globally, and I cannot think of a better person to lead platinum sales to new heights as growth continues to outpace overall jewellery sales in the US.”

The PGI offices in the markets are led by Dennis Kao (China), Hisako Hankinson (Japan), Vaishali Banerjee (India) and Jenny Luker (USA); they will all report to Daniel.

PGI develops demand for platinum globally by working in partnership with many leading members of the retail and manufacturing industry globally, as well as by running direct to consumer programs.
