Global Rough Diamond Production +51.4% in 2021

Johannesburg: Statistics published by the Kimberley Process (KP) indicate that global rough diamond production grew 11.9% by volume to 120.04 million carats in 2021, and jumped 51.4% in value to $13.98 billion on a year-on-year basis.

Russia was the biggest diamond producer by volume in 2021, with an output of 39.11 million carats, while Botswana was the largest producer in value terms, with an output worth $4.65 billion.

Angola, the third-highest producer by value, saw a 60% year-on-year rise in diamond production by value, with an output of 8.72 million carats worth $1.62 billion ($186.29 per carat).

Canada and South Africa rounded off the top five producing nations by value with annual diamond outputs of $1.51 billion and $1.35 billion, respectively.

India retained its position as the top rough importing nation, with rough diamond inflows of 172.47 million carats valued at $17.85 billion in 2021. UAE came a distant second with rough imports of 100.09 million carats worth $9.61 billion.

Australia, once the world’s biggest diamond producing country by volume, had nil production in 2021 following the closure of Rio Tinto’s Argyle diamond mine in November 2020.
