Antwerp: Ernest Blom, current president of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), was re-elected for another two-year period unopposed during the first working session of this week’s 36th World Diamond Congress in Antwerp.
The following people were also elected: Julien Drybooms as WFDB Vice President; Rony Unterman as WFDB Secretary-General and Michel Schonfeld as Deputy Secretary-General; Dieter Hahn as WFDB Treasurer-General and Harry Levy as Deputy Treasurer-General.
Elected to the Executive Members Committee are the following people: Rami Baron, Reuven Kaufman, Harry Levy, Nikhil Jhaveri, Anoop Mehta, Peter Meeus, Sergery Oulin, Alex Popov, Lin Qiang and Shmuel Schnitzer.