Toronto: Dominion Diamond Corporation has appointed Jim Gowans to its board of directors. He will take over from Robert Gannicott, chairman of the board, by the end of April.
“Both the company and I have faced certain changes recently,” said Gannicott. For the company, these represent opportunities but in my case they represent medical challenges. I have known Jim throughout his career, especially the parts relating to northern mine development and, later, the diamond industry. It is with great confidence that I anticipate handing over the chairmanship to Jim in the near future.”
Among his many roles in the mining industry, from 2011 to 2014, Gowans was managing director of the Debswana Diamond Company in Botswana. From 2006 to 2010, he served as the CEO of DeBeers Canada Inc. and also acted as COO and Chief Technical Officer for De Beers SA in 2010.
Dominion also announced the appointment of Josef Vejvoda to the board. He was identified and proposed by a group of shareholders. The board is continuing its search for an additional independent director.