DMCC Tradeflow Launches ‘Loans for Diamonds’

DDE-DMCC-DUAL-LOGODubai: Financing the trade in rough diamonds took a major step forward in Dubai as DMCC Tradeflow, the dedicated online platform for registering possession and ownership of commodities stored in UAE-based facilities, launched “Loans for Diamonds” in partnership with the Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) and Rocks International DMCC, the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) announced recently.

According to DMCC, this “revolutionary” product will allow diamonds registered with its Tradeflow platform, which will act as the central registry, to be used as collateral for trade finance loans. CBD will act as the financier and Rocks International as the independent collateral manager, it added.

Tradeflow is a DMCC platform that allows commodity owners to store goods in rated warehouses. Once stored and upon request from the owners, the warehouses can issue electronic warrants that represent ownership of the stored goods. These Tradeflow Warrants can be used by the owners to pledge beneficial ownership or title transfer of the stored goods to financiers in return for working capital. By accepting the beneficial ownership of the underlying inventory, the financiers can reduce credit risk historically associated with commodity trade finance.

In recent years, the trade in diamonds has shifted from West to East enabling Dubai and its commodities trading hub DMCC to become established as one of the top three diamond trading centres in the world. A similar shift has occurred in the financing of diamond trading, an integral element of the industry that DMCC is playing an equally significant role in helping to establish in the UAE, the centre said.

“Loans for Diamonds adds enormous value to DMCC’s Tradeflow platform and further cements Dubai’s position among the top three diamond centres in the world,” DMCC CEO Gautam Sashittal said in a press release.

“It is an innovation that will change the way rough diamond trade is financed. Establishing diamonds as collateral for loans with Tradeflow will not only add to DMCC’s complete portfolio of diamond trading products and services but also support increasing volumes of diamond trade through Dubai.” Local banks have expressed strong interest in Loans for Diamonds, DMCC added.

Peter Baltussen, CEO of CBD, said: “We are extremely pleased to enter into this strategic partnership with DMCC and Rocks International. This initiative is in line with our commitment to continuously expand our products and services to meet the growing needs of our clients. This unique offering provides an innovative mechanism for diamond traders to use their diamonds as collateral for funding their business growth needs. We see this as a catalyst for the development of the diamond industry in line with Dubai’s position as a global diamond trading centre and a hub for trade between the East and West.”

Commenting on the Loans for Diamonds launch, Ludwig Coelst, managing director of Rocks Middle-East DMCC, said, “We are very glad that our ideas and hard work are now materialising into a product that is absolutely new for the diamond industry in Dubai and across all main diamond trade centres. With the joint efforts from CBD and DMCC Tradeflow, we are sure this next step will enable the diamond trade and banking finance in Dubai to grow further.”
