DDC, IDE Create 'Diamond Supply Platform'

DDC New YorkNew York: The Diamond Dealers Club (DDC) of New York and the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) are creating an unparalleled “Diamond Supply Platform” on the trading floor of the DDC, at a time that North American diamond buyers need it most, DDC’s president, Reuven Kaufman, and IDE’s president, Shmuel Schnitzer, said in a joint statement recently. The two pledged to continue strengthening the DDC-IDE alliance for the benefit of both their membership bodies.

“At the DDC, we’re making every effort to generate added value for our members, and the special trade events we now regularly hold on our trading floor have proven to be an excellent tool toward that goal,” Kaufman noted. “With the upcoming Israel Diamond Week in New York next month, members of both our bourses will be selling diamonds to visiting buyers from all over North America.”

Schnitzer said he hoped that members of other bourses on the continent — i.e. Los Angeles, Miami, and possibly also from Panama — would come and join the event as well. “This coming diamond week has the potential of becoming a very vibrant and dynamic ‘Diamond Supply Platform,’ and diamond buyers will find it an extremely valuable and also convenient instrument to fill and complete their inventories toward the holiday season,” he stated. Schnitzer said he had reached out to his counterparts in California, Florida and Panama, to encourage their members to join the Israel Diamond Week in New York in November.

The third edition of the Israel Diamond Week in New York, to be held November 10 to 13, 2014, is a recurring, bi-annual diamond sales event, jointly organized by the IDE and DDC. It has proven not only to be successful platform for trade between the members of the largest diamond exchanges in the western world, but also a pro-active effort to open the DDC’s doors to diamond-buying jewelry manufacturers and jewelry retailers who usually do not visit the club.
