Cluster Mapping Survey Commissioned by GJEPC

Mumbai: The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) recently submitted its findings of a Cluster Mapping survey commissioned by the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) two years ago. Key objectives of the study initiated in August 2018 were: to identify gem and jewellery sectors across India; map skills/technology; analyse gaps in skill/technology; and assess the contribution of the gem and jewellery sector in India’s economy.

On 13th August, NCAER presented the findings via a video conference meeting chaired by Smt. Rupa Dutta, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. The meeting was attended by Mr. Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Vipul Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, ED, GJEPC; Mr. Srinivasan, Mr. Manish Jiwani, Ms. Rashmi Arora and the research team of NCAER, including Mr. K.A. Siddiqui, Senior Fellow; Mr. P.K. Ghosh, Fellow; Dr. S. Bhide, Senior Advisor, Research; Dr. Poonam Munjal, Senior Fellow; Dr. Shayequa Z. Ali, Associate Fellow; Mr. Asrar Aslam, Senior Research Analyst; and Dr. B.B. Singh, Senior Consultant.

In addition to the objectives, the NCAER team gave a presentation on the study’s scope, methodology and data sources. The project involved:

  • Primary survey for 6,743 units across India for different segments of the  gem and jewellery sector
  • Analysis of Available Surveys – Labour Bureau, NSSO, Enterprise Survey, National Accounts Statistics, CSO
  • More than 200 industry experts were consulted at every stage of the project.

The parameters of the key findings were:

Cluster mapping: Geographical concentration of gem and jewellery units/workers across the country

Unit mapping: Total number of units in the major segments (type and size of enterprise)

Manpower mapping: Number of persons employed by gender, educational and technical qualifications, gem and jewellery-specific training certificates, training received (both formal and informal); and the job role-wise number of years of experience.

Skills gap analysis: By job role and segment; observed competencies vis-à-vis the required competencies; number of additional skilled workers required

Technology gap analysis: Process-wise existing technology vis-à-vis the need for advanced technology and decision to upgrade technology

This study has mapped gem and jewellery clusters and identified potential clusters, which would be developed through the establishment of Common Facility Centres (CFCs), technology upgradation, and assistance.

The Policy Recommendations of the study were presented to Smt. Rupa Dutta, who appreciated the project and emphasised its importance for the future growth of the gems and jewellery sector in India.
