CIBJO Seminar on Coral and Pearl Sectors

cibjo_logoHong Kong: The implementation of environmentally sound practices in both the coral harvesting and pearl farming sectors came under the spotlight today at the Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Show, with the discussion focusing not only the means to protect the fragile marine ecosystem, but also the need to present the members of the industry as responsible corporate citizens.

The seminar was sponsored by CIBJO, in conjunction with the Italian Trade Commission. As world leaders in the design and manufacture of both pearl and coral jewellery, Italians have stood at the forefront in the research and development of environmentally responsible pearl farming and coral harvesting methods.

“The long-term viability of both the pearl and coral sectors in the jewellery industry is dependent on the development and implementation of responsible practices, which both protect and facilitate the renewal of a bio-diverse marine environment, promoting higher quality and more sustainable resources,” said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri. “Our efforts in this respect are part of a comprehensive program to promote sustainable environmental policies in the sector, which also includes the CIBJO Jewellery Industry Greenhouse Gas Measurement Initiative promoting carbon footprint and offsetting, through the purchase of carbon credits.”

Greeting participants in the seminar was Paola Guida, the Italian Trade Commissioner in Hong Kong, who noted that the event underscored the Italian jewellery industry’s commitment to ethical and sustainable environmental practices.

In his presentation, President of the CIBJO Coral Commission Mr. Enzo Liverino highlighted the ratification in 2015 of CIBJO’s Coral Blue Book, which is the latest addition to the organization’s sets of industry standards and nomenclature, joining Blue Books dedicated to diamonds, coloured gemstones, pearls, precious metals and gemmological laboratories.

The ultimate aim of the Blue Book of Coral is to protect consumers’ confidence in the coral industry through careful and documented definitions, clauses and rules, Mr. Liverino said. “The stability in any jewellery market depends up on the use of the proper nomenclature and the declaration of all known facts, to ensure a fully informed purchase or sale throughout the distribution pipeline, all the way to the final consumer,” he stated.
