Shanghai: Shanghai Gems & Jade Exchange and Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (TGJTA) launched a dynamic jewelry confederation with the aim to boost jewellery trade and exchanges between China and Thailand to establish a modern-day “silk road” under the name of China-Thailand Gemstone Traders Association or CTGA.
Through close collaboration, both organizations have reached an agreement on rebuilding the ‘silk road’ of China-Thailand jewellery trade in the context of China’s ‘One Belt and One Road’ construction project. Complementing each other’s advantages, this confederation will build a bridge of exchange, communication and trade cooperation in the gems and jade market of both countries.
The Memorandum of Understand (MOU) was signed on May 9, 2017 by Ms. Wang Wan Fong, President of the Shanghai Gems & Jade Exchange and Mr Suttipong Damrongsakul, President of the TGJTA.
“The China-Thailand Gemstone Traders Association or CTGA will be holding activities for members such as buyer missions and booth exchanges while facilitating trade between the two countries,” said Mr Suttipong. “Moreover, the CTGA will be collaborating with other associations in countries like Russia and Cambodia to increase trade in the region.”
The TGJTA has been working with numerous overseas gems and jewellery associations to boost the gems and jewellery industry in Thailand and abroad. On this trip to Shanghai, the delegation from TGJTA visited the Shanghai Gems & Jade Exchange as well as bringing 16 exhibitors from Thailand to showcase at Jewellery Shanghai 2017 tradeshow. Also, the association met with representatives from the Shanghai Gold & Jewelry Association to discuss future collaborations and exchanges. On May 10, 2017 the association president was invited as a keynote speaker during Shanghai Global Jewelry Summit (Spring 2017).
“We believe that strong cooperation across the region is a key tool to drive forward the current industry’s challenge. China and Thailand has been a strong alliance for each other and this would make the region as the center of future global jewellery market” said Mr Suttipong.
During the delegation’s visit to China, Mr Suttipong gave exclusive interviews to Chinese media, reinforcing the TGJTA’s readiness to host the inaugural Thailand Gems & Jewelry Fair from June 15 to 18, 2017 at IMPACT Challenger 2, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand which aims to serve as a trading and networking platform for the region’s gems and jewellery industry.
Pre-register NOW at www.thailandgemsfair.com to get a chance to 2 night stay in Bangkok during your visit at our fair or Show your boarding pass at the fair for a chance to WIN 1-CARAT DIAMOND RING!!”