New York: Secretary-General of the International Diamond Manufacturers’ Association (IDMA) and President of the newly minted US Jewellery Council Mr. Ronnie VanderLinden, has devoted much of his time, energy and honest efforts to the betterment of the global gem and jewellery industry.
Now he wishes that the younger generation should come forward and take the leadership to guide the industry to the next level of progress. In the recent News Letter of IDMA, Mr. Ronnie VanderLinden says, “There are not enough of us who are giving their time, energy and means toward the furtherance of our industry’s general interest, defense and growth. The issues we are dealing with are multiple and complex. On the supply side – upstream – we are being scrutinized on how we produce and source our raw materials, precious metals and gemstones, while in the downstream market we are not only facing profitability issues, but also are competing for our slice of the consumer market pie, a slice that nominally, year-on-year, is getting smaller, as the ‘bandwidth’ of luxury consumer products competing with diamonds and diamond jewelry is getting wider, year after year.”
“In other words, it is high time that the industry members who belong to the Millennial generation become engaged and take an active role helping our industry succeed in the ‘new normal economy and the consumer market which they are an integral part of themselves. Different from earlier generations, the transition of industry leadership to younger public servants will, as I see it, be welcomed by all industry members. As president of the Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Association of America, I am very pleased to see that members of the younger generation are starting to take on leadership positions and pitch in,” he adds.
Ronnie VanderLinden, IDMA, US Jewellery Council, Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Association of America,