New York: The Fancy Color Diamond Index for the first quarter of 2016 showed fancy blue diamond prices rising by 1.7%. During the same period, fancy yellow diamonds saw price declines of 1.8%, while fancy pink diamonds saw a 0.3% price increase.
Overall prices in the fancy color diamond category remained largely unchanged for the period. In comparison, according to RAPI™, white diamonds prices were mixed during Q1 2016, with the 0.5-carat and 1-carat categories growing by 5.2% and 1.4% respectively, and the 3-carat category declining by 2.9%.
The strongest performing price categories during Q1 2016 were fancy intense blue and fancy vivid blue across all carat sizes, as well as fancy vivid pinks 5ct and up. The fancy yellow category, especially in small carat weights, was responsible for most of the category price declines.
The Fancy Color Diamond Index during Q1 2016 indicates that most trends identified during 2015 are being sustained. The decline in fancy yellow diamond prices echoes the first 3 quarters of 2015, although it is a departure from Q4 2016, when fancy yellow diamond prices rose 1.1%.
Category | Q1/16 vs. Q4/15 | Q1/16 vs. Q1/15 |
All fancy color diamonds | (0.1%) | 0.6% |
All fancy yellow diamonds | (1.8%) | (3.3%) |
All fancy pink diamonds | 0.3% | 1.7% |
All fancy blue diamonds | 1.7% | 4.8% |
On a year-on-year basis, when compared to Q1 2015, the Fancy Color Diamond Index is up 0.6% with fancy blue and fancy pink up 4.8% and 1.7%, respectively, and fancy yellow down 3.3%. As in Q4 2015, across all color segments, fancy intense and fancy vivid diamonds demonstrated robust price increases, which were offset to some extent by price declines of color diamonds in the “Fancy” category. For a complete data analysis, please visit www.fcresearch.org.
The Fancy Color Diamond Index is published by the non-profit Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), and tracks pricing data for yellow, pink and blue fancy color diamonds. The Fancy Color Diamond Index is based on input from leading fancy color diamond traders in three key global trading centers – Hong Kong, New York and Tel Aviv. The Index is continually and selectively expanding its data supplier base. In the past quarter six new data suppliers were added, bringing the total to 26.
FCRF Advisory Board chairman Eden Rachminov commented that “mine supply of highly coveted fancy vivid blues and pinks continues to be scarce, while demand for this category continues to grow. This trend is likely to continue well into 2016 as dealers are holding firm on prices in view of the demand-supply imbalance”.