Ban on CAR Diamonds Partially Lifted

kimberley-logoLuanda: Radio France International reports that at the intersessional meeting of the Kimberley Process in Luanda, the organization that regulates the diamond trade, the decision was made on Friday 26 to partially lift the embargo on the Central African Republic for two years. The diamonds mined in the “green zone”, that is to say in the west of the country, will be exported and the Central African Republic will be able to receive the tax revenue.

The text from the administrative decision reads as follows: Based upon progress made to date by the CAR, Participants and Observers reached an understanding that CAR may commence exports of rough diamonds upon full implementation of the attached annex entitled “Operational Framework” and pending completion of the KP Review Mission report. The “Administrative Decision on the Central African Republic [Temporary Suspension]” of May 23, 2013 is amended to allow for resumption of trade in rough diamonds from “compliant zones” that are to be established under conditions set forth by this AD.

The decision includes the establishment of a tripartite KP monitoring team. Its responsibilities included, inter alia: monitoring the determination of compliant zones, examining proposed exports collected monthly and facilitating a forensic audit of stockpiles before any part of current stockpiles is exported.
