Moscow: ALROSA, the world leader in diamond mining, announces the recovery of a 136.24-carat diamond from Nyurbinskaya pipe, reported Alrosa’s official website.
The gem-quality rough diamond, which is 3 Black Makeable 1 Сolour, measures 29.32 х 23.88 х 21.9 mm and is one of the largest through the history of Nyurbinskaya pipe. The extracted stone is a combination-form translucent colorless part of a crystal with columnar interlocking sculpture. The stone contains graphite and sulphide composition.
It is one of the largest rough diamonds recovered at Nyurba Mining and Processing Division. The diamond has no name so far.
Nyurbinsky open-pit mine was put into operation in 2001. Identified reserves of the diamond deposit under JORC as of January 1, 2015, amounted to 36.9 million carats. In 2015, the pipe accounted for 13% of rough diamond production by ALROSA Group. In the first half of 2016, diamond mining grew 3% against the first six months of 2015.
Nyurba Mining and Processing Division is one of ALROSA’s youngest enterprises. It operates at the Nakyn ore field and develops Nyurbinsky and Botuobinsky open-pit mines, and two same-name alluvial placers.
Its share in ALROSA Group’s production totaled 20% in 2015. Diamond mining in the first half of 2016 amounted to 3,315 thousand carats, having shown a 4%-growth as compared with the similar period of 2015.