ALROSA Meets Long-Term Customers

Sergey Ivanov

Moscow: President of ALROSA Sergey Ivanov took part in an extraordinary business meeting with the company’s long-term clients dedicated to the new contract period.

Participants of the meeting from more than 70 Russian and foreign companies had a chance to discuss diamond market trends, existing market environment, plans for the near future, and the company’s sales structure with ALROSA’s management.

A new 3-year 2018-2020 contract period is to start next year. The list of applicants for long-term agreements will be formed with due account for clients’ relevant applications, completeness of submitted data and based on the analysis of results of trade cooperation between ALROSA and applicants in the period from 2015 to September 2017.

The assortment and volume of goods under a 3-year agreement will be formed on an annual basis. According to ALROSA, the main aim of these innovations is to take into account its customers’ assortment preferences.

“The heart of ALROSA’s sales policy – the sale of the major part of rough diamonds through the system of long-term agreements – will not change. We also intend to preserve all the best practices in our sales system”, emphasized Sergey Ivanov in his speech. “You may rest assured that our sales policy will be improved with due account of our customers’ opinions and market views”, he added.

The business meeting was held within the framework of the ALROSA ALLIANCE program development which unites ALROSA’s loyal clients who meet high standards of business conduct and possess a keen insight in the diamond market.
