6th Int'l Diamond Week to be ‘Bigger & Better’

Ramat Gan: According to organizers, the sixth edition of the International Diamond Week in Israel, to be held on February 13 – 16, 2017, is shaping up to be bigger and more exciting than ever before. The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) said that it is adding a host of new features, special guests and free attractions, to make this event even more advantageous to international buyers.

As in the past hundreds of Israeli and international companies will be exhibiting on the IDE trading floor, offering a large variety of polished and rough goods. Many hundreds of buyers from around the world are expected to participate, with registration proceeding briskly since it was opened this week.

The format of the upcoming IDWI has been changed, in line with buyer preferences. This year, trading will take place on the bourse floor from Monday to Wednesday, with Thursday left open for individual meetings within the Diamond Exchange. Alternatively, participants can choose to join free sightseeing tours on that day to Jerusalem or the Dead Sea.

As in past years, buyers are being offered free accommodations for three nights in nearby hotels.
Organizers say that a major attraction will be the important international tenders of rough and polished diamonds that will be held during IDWI. Plans are being finalized to feature tenders by several major producers and diamond auction companies. Moreover, IDE will be inaugurating its International Tender Center during the week.

Israel Diamond Exchange President Yoram Dvash said that he expected the next IDWI to attract hundreds more buyers as well as several world diamond leaders. “We are working very hard to make the sixth edition of IDWI both bigger and better. This time we are offering more — more traders, more goods, more variety, more business opportunities and more leisure activities. We will be announcing further details as they are finalized. Register now to ensure your place.”
